04-After you have attended new workshops/Retreats
Every time you just finished attended a new workshop or retreat, please click the Request Update button below the list of meditation rooms to update your account.
Setelah anda mengikuti Lokakarya baru, silahkan klik tombol Request Update dibawah list ruangan meditasi untuk mengupdate akses anda.
For example, after you have atteded your first spiritual retreat, you will be eligible to join the prayer in Masteryoga Room and Soul room.
Contoh, setelah anda mengikuti RPS pertama, anda akan bisa mengikuti latihan bersama di ruang Masteryoga dan Soul.
Once your access has been updated, you will be able to see the meidation room up to your current level.
Setelah akses anda di update, anda akan bisa melihat ruang meditasi sesuai dengan tingkatan anda.