Online Prayer in TSR/MY 1-5 chat room will be terminated on 19 April 2021
Dear semuanya,
Berhubung jumlah peserta yg sedikit, mulai hari Senin 19 April doa on line di TSR/MY 1-5 chat room akan dihentikan dan para peserta dianjurkan untuk ikutan latihan, persiapan hati dan doa bersama yg diselenggarakan oleh NWL.
Caranya adalah dng mendaftarkan diri ke :
Tinggal pilih saja Latihan/doa tingkat apa yg hendak diikuti dan nanti setelah mendaftar akan dimasukkan group WhatsApp sesuai Lokakarya yg dipilih, kemudian setiap kali di hari ada jadwal Latihan akan diumumkan di whatsapp group tsb dan di beri link zoom untuk bisa ikutan Latihan/doa bersama rekan2 lain.
Terima sayang semuanya.
Dear all,
Starting Monday April 19, the on line prayer in TSR/MY 1-5 chat room will be terminated due to not enough numbers of participants. All participants are advised to join the practice, heart prep and prayer together that is organized by NWL.
All you need to do is to register yourself here :
Just tick the practices/prayers according to your level and after you registered you will be put into the WhatsApp group according to the level you choose, and every time on the day they have a scheduled practice/prayer, you will be notified in the WhatsApp group and given zoom link to join.
Thank you everyone.