Special Health Prayers / Doa Kesehatan Khusus

Dear all Spiritual retreat alumni :)

We would like to announce that the Special Health Prayers is continuing, now with new times because of daylight savings changes in Australia.

Prayer is held in the Masteryoga chatroom.

The schedule of the prayer is: 8:25pm - 9:00pm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (not Friday or Saturday) Time zone is Australian Eastern Standard Time – (Melbourne/Sydney/Hobart time). Please use the time zone converter at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to convert this time to your local time).  This is a very beautiful health prayer and all alumni min. spiritual retreat level are welcome to join this prayer. Thanks everyone, and please share this information with other eligible hearts so they can join and enjoy these prayers too.

With :)(L)

Sunny (on behalf of Thomas Croger)


Dear semua alumni min. sdh ikut Retreat Pendalaman Spiritual :),

Special Health Prayer yg diselenggarakan oleh alumni Hobart/Melbourne tetap jalan dng jadwal yg baru. Doa ini diselenggarakan di Masteryoga chat room.

Jadwalnya adalah : jam 17.25 – 18.00 WIB setiap hari Minggu, Senin, Selasa, Rabu dan Kamis (Jum’at dan Sabtu tdk ada doa).

Semua alumni yg min. sdh ikut retreat pendalaman spiritual boleh ikutan doa ini, harap infokan ke rekan2 lain agar mereka juga bisa ikutan doa kesehatan ini.

Terima kasih semuanya.

With :)(L)

Sunny (menyampaikan pesan dari Thomas Croger)